SciEx Details
To make a video about science or engineering that is just as awesome (to a general audience!) as a video about extreme sports.
Important Note
If you think this idea is cool, but do not know how to get started (e.g. no filming experience), please either join the Facebook group or send us an e-mail: We will try to match you up with someone with the experience to help you. We will also keep you updated with new developments (e.g. meet-ups to get together scientists/engineerings and filmographers/artists). Similarly, if you have experience filming, editing, cartooning, composing... please let us know! And don't forget to check out upcoming SciEx meet-ups where you can find out more, and find a team.
What the video should be
We're looking for videos distilling the coolness factor of science/engineering.
What the video should not be
An educational video (we leave that to the other guys).
Target audience
The general public (e.g. 12-year-old boys and girls should think your video is cool).